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A stable and happy family is the foundation that every child needs in order to  thrive in life.  Of all the things that matter in this world, nothing is more important than family. It serves as the foundation from which everything else is built, and so a happy life is largely dependent upon maintaining a happy and functional family.

But as I’m sure you are aware, creating a harmonious household is  easier said than done. A well-run family is in many ways like a well-run business–it takes some effort to keep things running smoothly. You can’t just sit back and expect everything to fall into place automatically.  So whether you’re a single parent or a multi-generational  household, blended family or traditional family, the resources herein are  designed to help your family deal with various problems that might arise.

See also…

Here you’ll find resources & information for families that are either contemplating divorce, or are already in the process of it.  Includes guidelines on when to divorce, information about the steps involved, and help adjusting to life after divorce. We also offer books and printables that will help kids cope with divorce.

Resources for Families

The following resources for children and families might help you through some of the common problems families experience:

No Family is Perfect Coloring Page 
A printable coloring sheet for kids that is meant to reduce the stigma children feel when their family is experiencing problems.

Information on family therapy
Our mental health area has guidelines on different types of therapy and how to choose a therapist should you require one to work through family problems.

Family Life Today
The modern family is constantly changing and evolving. Current facts, statistics & trends regarding the American family. See where your family fits in on the spectrum of things.

Money & Finance for Families
Tips & Advice on all aspects of Money & Finance from everyday ways to save money to planning for the future.

Money Problems & Financial Hardships
Information & resources for families who are struggling financially. Whether you’re experiencing a temporary downturn or have been living in constant poverty, these resources will help your family through it.

Military Families
Information & resources to help families cope with deployment and the demands of military life

Family conflict & how to resolve it
The following information will help you better deal with family conflicts.

Building a successful blended family is a lot more complicated than starting a family from scratch. It involves trying to merge pre-existing pieces, each of whom have already established their own set of familiar habits and customs. The problems between stepchildren and stepparents are notorious, and can easily derail your new marriage. We’ve got the help you need to make this new family arrangement work for everyone.

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