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Every day in the United States at least one child dies in a home fire. While some of these tragedies are unavoidable, a large number could be prevented through better fire safety education. Our fire safety curriculum will educate children in every aspect of fire safety: from how to escape a house fire and why it’s important to not play with matches to encouraging children to remind parents to test their smoke alarms.

Fire Safety Curriculum Resources

Fire Safety Activities for Kids: 

Many actives to keep you busy teaching fire safety to kids.

Fire Safety Coloring Pictures:

Coloring Sheets and coloring books teaching kids fire safety.

Fire Safety Worksheets for Kids:

Worksheets to help children think about fire safety and what they can do to lee[ themselves and their family safe.

Additional Fire Safety Resources for Teachers

  • The Day My House Catched Fires: This fun book for kids in pre-k and elementary school walks children through the basics of escaping a house fire.


Fire Safety Printouts for Parents

Stop-Drop-Roll Fire Safety Classroom Poster


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